Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Blogging Challenge  
This week our challenge was to visit 5 strangers blogs from a different country and comment on their page. Its challenging to find a good blog to comment on. Here are the 5 strangers page I commented on.

Monday, 12 March 2012

On the 5th March 2012 Totara House went to the Adrenalin Forest in Pyes Pa. We went for the whole day and we were Persevering In The Face Of Adversity and making new friends. We had to do High Rope climbing. There were 90 challenges and 20 flying foxes and the highest we could go was 18 meters but we only get there once we reach the last course which is course 6. When we went there my goal was to not fall of and to make sure I could finish at least half of it which I achieved. The last thing is that you should never use the vending machine because it swallowed up my $2:00 and only gave me back 50c.


10 Random Facts About Me!!!

1. My name is Paris
2. I have 3 cats (Pango, Molly and Chubby) and a dog (Rampage)
3. My favorite color is Green
4. My favorite sports are Netball and Beach Volleyball and Indoor Volleyball
5. I'm really good at triple jump
6. I have 1 sister (Stephenie) and 2 brothers(Lucian and Bobby)
7. I live in New Zealand
8. I try to get involved with lots of things
9. I have a sister who is in the New Zealand Under 17's Beach Volleyball Squad
10. My favorite book is "The Crowning Glory Of Calla Lily Ponder"

Te Reo Maori

Ko Paris ahau
Ko Lee toku mama
Ko Patrick toku papa
Ko Kirstyn taku hoa
ko Whaea Lynley toku kaiako
E te kau ma rua aku tau
I haere ahau ki te kura Takawaenga o Mauao